Friday, April 25, 2008

School to enhance programs

By Janice Kurbjun
Times staff writer

Saratoga Elementary School is hoping to expand an educational enrichment program next year through grants.

Called “Lights On,” the Friday program takes advantage of the school’s four-day school week.
“We will continue (the program),” said Principal Dave Rangitsch, “the question is to what extent.”

Next week, he should hear whether the school received a requested $14,000 grant from the Wyoming Department of Education’s Student Enrichment Pilot Project.

“My pie in the sky vision is to take kids on what you might call cultural field trips,” Rangitsch said.

Because students are in class Monday through Thursday, field trips only take place on Fridays. If the money is granted, outings could include visiting the Wyoming State Penitentiary in Rawlins, the Nicolaysen Art Museum and Discovery Center, or the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center, both of which are in Casper.

The money would be paired with $1,500 already in the bank from the Wyoming Arts Council’s Open Door Art Enrichment Program and Carbon County School District 2. This money should continue to fund a seven-week art enrichment series with artists in the Platte Valley.

The grant might also open up the possibility of giving stipends to community aids, which could help win teachers some free time for staff development on Fridays.

Robotics, rocket making and wilderness science programs should continue or be enhanced with the potential grant. Each program is aimed at helping children succeed in meeting national education standards.

“I have to relate back to the state that each of these programs address requirements for the students,” Rangitsch said. “They’re not just fun.”

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Jan Kurbjun

A restless soul. A free spirit. An optimist. A thinker. Passionate. Fun-loving... :D