Monday, March 31, 2008

The blue sky through the blizzard

The reason I can't get home tonight: "I-80 is closed due to multiple crashes in both directions, road surface damage due to a truck fire and severe weather conditions." How ridiculous??

I made to Fort Collins through the blizzard, safe and sound. I used my chains for about 40 miles to get over one of the more treacherous all-season passes in the state of Colorado. The rest of the valley was virtually blocked either by massive amounts of snowfall or adverse conditions in areas with a lack of civilization.

Ah, the west.

Now, I'm safely at my brother's house in Fort Collins, awaiting the road opening in Wyoming... silly trucks.

The bright side of it all: I got in two hours of fantastic skiing this afternoon. Powder splashing into my face, new snowflakes crawling down my neck, and smiles from everyone I came across. It was all worth it to get out the frustration of not being able to be a good employee and be back at work. Hah! I'd never make a good ski bum!!!

In Kirk Hanna's rating system, that two hours was 5 billion stars out of 10. :-D

1 comment:

WindyBoy said...


I like the rating!!!

Jan Kurbjun

A restless soul. A free spirit. An optimist. A thinker. Passionate. Fun-loving... :D