Friday, February 22, 2008

Film tour planned

By Janice Kurbjun
Times staff writer

From the highest mountain passes in the world to ice caverns deep within the earth’s crust, the stories of exploration, adventure and exotic lifestyles come to the screen in the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour, scheduled to hit Laramie on Saturday and Sunday.

One man tightropes high above the red earth, practicing his rock climbing balance. A team of snowkiters slide like an above-ground school of fish across the glass of a frozen lake. A woman pauses high atop a Norwegian fjord, taking one last breath before taking a running jump. A badger rolls over in his burrow, waving away the bright camera lights. Skiers explain their respect for the mountain and for the cultures they cross. These are examples of what could appear on screen.

As one of the most widely recognized events of its kind, the Banff festival is held throughout 10 days in Banff, Canada, showing upwards of 60 films along with other events including a book festival. “It is one of the first,” film festivals centered around mountain activities, said Jill Sawyer, media and communications officer at The Banff Center in Banff, Canada. “But there are now many around the world.”

After the festival, which is held in late October, the world tour staff makes a selection of the most well-received films, the award-winners and a handful of others that ensure variety in the presentation. This collection immediately hits the road.

“It will be a collection of high-action, high-energy films,” said Dan McCoy, coordinator of the University of Wyoming outdoor adventure program. He plans to show the award-winners and choose shorter cultural and environmental films to create variety. The university is one of two Wyoming locations to show the film. The other is in Jackson. UW is in its ninth year of hosting the event.

The event should be held in the arts and sciences building auditorium. Seating begins at 6 p.m. both nights and show time is at 7. The event is free and open to the public, but seats are limited.

1 comment:

WindyBoy said...


That's cool you got to do an advance for it...and after reading it, I definitely want to go see it!

See you tomorrow night, bring your ice skates!! (If you have them)


Jan Kurbjun

A restless soul. A free spirit. An optimist. A thinker. Passionate. Fun-loving... :D